Kevin Dean

A LITnIMAGE video interview with Kevin Dean

Driving down a narrow street off LA’s Sunset Boulevard, I seek an address I’ve scribbled down on torn paper. There it is, stacked apartments, green florescent light glowing on the outside staircase. Inside, Kevin Dean, sculptor and photographer, sits on the apartment floor. He holds a shot of gold liquor in one hand and pets his dog with the other. Sunset’s a pit-bull/lab mix he found roaming the streets a few months before.

Dean shows me what’s left of his collection of cameras, his “toys.” It’s slimmed down since his recent move from his hometown of Rochester, NY. Dean loves photography. It’s been his passion since taking a Technology class when he was twelve. His dad helped him build a dark room in the basement that summer. He’s shot images for 19 years.

We hit the streets. Dean educates me on all the tags, decoding the gang graffiti as we walk through both dark and lit side streets around Sunset. Here is a night out with Kevin Dean.


Click here for Kevin Dean's bio

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